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ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly


2nd September 1977 is the most prominent day for all AIPA members. AIPA (then AIPO) was formed through the ASEAN Parliaments Meeting which was first held on 8th – 11th January 1975 in Indonesia. On the third ASEAN Parliaments Meeting on 2nd September 1977, which was held in the Philippines, the Statutes of AIPO was agreed and signed. It marks the establishment of AIPO and the recognization of the Statutes as the supreme law of AIPA.

From 5 founding Member Parliaments in 1975 (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) to become 10 AIPA Member Parliaments throughout the years, AIPA aims to encourage understanding, cooperation, and close relations among Member Parliaments as well as Observer Member Parliaments and other parliamentary organizations.

Reminiscing on the 43rd of AIPA, we are actively involved in decision-making and policy formulation. in order to provide policy direction for the development of AIPA’s goals and as a forum for the exchange of members, AIPA has the General Assembly as the highest body which regularly held the annual meeting. Other annual meetings include AIPACODD (which was transformed from AIFOCOM to AIPACODD in 2017), AIPA Caucus, Model AIPA and ASEAN-AIPA Interface, which have been held throughout ASEAN countries. Amidst the outbreak of COVID-19, AIPA adapts to the condition that prioritizes maintaining distance by doing the virtual activity.

