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ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
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Acknowledging the importance of raising awareness and educating the young people of ASEAN about parliamentary diplomacy and ASEAN’s policies and principles, Directorate of Policy, Education and Publicity of AIPA Secretariat developed a program called Model AIPA. The main target of participants for this program is university students of ASEAN Member States. Model AIPA is basically an educational simulation of AIPA General Assembly, in which students can learn about diplomacy, regional relations, public speaking and also critical thinking through role playing. More than that, they also can learn on how to lead the discussion in the meetings by role-playing as chairperson in each committee meeting.

Model AIPA is ideally conducted in two full days in a row. The first day will be separated into three sessions: Seminar on AIPA and the General Assembly, and two seminars on the political/economic/social issues which have been agreed for the General Assembly simulation. The latter seminars will be lecture seminars, inviting lecturers, professors, or high-level government officials who are experts in their fields. The second day will be the day of Model AIPA where the General Assembly simulation begins with Executive Committee Meeting to adopt the agenda to be deliberated in the Committee Meetings.

AIPA Secretariat has successfully conducted the 1st Model AIPA in August 2017 with 75 students of International Relations major across Greater Jakarta as the participants. We are currently developing the plan to conduct the second one in August 2018 where we will also invite participants from universities across ASEAN Member States.