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ASEAN Secretariat Heritage Building,
5th floor
Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.70A
Jakarta, 12110 INDONESIA

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Phone : (+62 21) 27099107

ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
[Internship Opportunity] AIPA SECRETARIAT ATTACHMENT PROGRAM Deadline: 16 June 2023 The call for an application for the AIPA Secretariat Attachment Program is now open! The attachment program will be fully Work From Office (WFO) at the AIPA Secretariat Office from July to October 2023. Shall you be interested in applying for this attachment, you are kindly requested to read the details of the program at  Please submit your application no later than 16 June 2023. For any queries, drop us an email at Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
