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ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
AIPA successfully held the first Consultative Meeting of Young Parliamentarians of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (YPA) on August 5, 2024 hosted by the National Assembly of Lao PDR.

Attended by over 20 delegates from AIPA Member Parliaments, ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Youth (SOMY), ASEAN Foundation, and Lao Youth Union, this meeting aimed to prepare the agenda for the Standing Committee of YPA at the upcoming 45th AIPA General Assembly and to discuss other youth-related matters.

Under the theme of “Empowering Youth in Building a Secure, Resilient, and Inclusive ASEAN Community”, the meeting provided a platform for young parliamentarians of AIPA to engage in political discourse, addressing the underrepresentation of youth in political processes, and enhance their role in fostering a secure, resilient, and inclusive ASEAN community.

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