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ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
The closing ceremony began with acceptance speech from Hon. Amphay Chitmanoh, Head of Lao PDR Delegation, Vice Chairman of Law Committee, for LAO PDR hosting the 7th Meeting of AIPACODD in 2024.
Furthermore, the meeting was concluded with closing remarks from Hon. Dr. Fadli Zon as the Chairperson. He extended his gratitude to all Delegates, Moderator, and Panelist for their active involvement and valuable contributions. He further emphasized that the approval of the Draft Resolution reflected the shared commitment to addressing the drug menace and to promoting sustainable development in the region.
Photo by AIPA Secretariat, Aldena Ganthari Kreatif, and DPR RI.
Stay tuned to AIPA’s Social Media account and get to know the 6th AIPACODD meeting this week!
