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ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
Upon the invitation from the Ministry of Social Affairs of Indonesia, the AIPA Secretary General attended the ASEAN High-Level Forum on Disability Inclusive-Development and Partnership Beyond 2025 from 10-12 October 2023 in Makasar, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This forum is part of the series of the ASEAN Summit under the Chairmanship of Indonesia that served as platform to identify the region’s challenges in strengthening disability-inclusive development and to discuss concrete recommendations and action plans in accelerating the implementation of the ASEAN Enabling Masterplan 2025. In this occasion, along with other representatives of ASEAN Entities and Stakeholders, AIPA Secretary General shared AIPA’s contributions, efforts and future strategies in promoting disability-inclusive development beyond 2025 in the region. Documentation: AIPA Secretariat and @usmission2asean #ouraipaourasean